Consulting Services

Strategic Planning

  • Meeting with you to develop a Vision Statement and Mission Statement
  • Looking at your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
  • Development of short and long term goals
  • Exploring options that are available to you to achieve your vision, mission and goals
  • An implementation plan
  • A way to measure success of the plan
  • A means to update the Strategic Plan
  • Succession Planning

  • Meeting with you to determine your vision for transitioning or exiting the farm
  • Considering the amount of cash required for retirement
  • Considering needs of farming and non farming children
  • Considering the requirement and capability of farming children in funding retirement
  • Looking at the tax consequences of various options available for the transfer
  • Outline a step by step implementation plan for retirees and successors
  • Consideration of threats to the plan and what can be done to mitigate this risk
  • Financial Management Planning

  • Working with comprehensive current and 3 years of prior financial statements of your business considering changes that are occurring in your business
  • Trend analysis and other comparative analysis
  • Considering of options to change your operation and analyzing the manner this will meet financial and other goals
  • A monthly or quarterly cash flow for a full production cycle or more
  • Analyzing financial indicators and ratios and comparing with industry standards
  • Risk management assessment
  • A clear written description of a preferred option and explanation of the financial impact of the same
  • Development of an action plan: timeline, responsibilities of key players, how and what to monitor to determine success
  • Plan to reevaluate if goals and objectives are not being met
  • Business Structure Planning

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of your current business structure (proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation or combinations of these
  • What needs of the business can be addressed by changing the business structure
  • Review of all available structures and considering their advantages and disadvantages
  • Detailed analysis of suitable or relevant structures for your busness
  • Consideration of taxation issues of the relevant structures
  • Consideration of set up and maintenance costs of relevant structures
  • Consideration of reporting requirements of relevant structures
  • Consideration of liability and risk issues with relevant structures
  • Determination of preferred structure
  • An analysis of obligations of different individuals within the preferred structure
  • Consideration of Human Resource issues
  • Consideration of the effect of winding up the preferred structure